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Everything you need to know about hypochondria

We all get scared sometimes when googling our aches and pains, convincing ourselves it's worse than it is—but when can health anxiety turn into something more serious? 
The symptoms:
• A preoccupation with physical illness that persists despite a doctor’s reassurance that all is well.
• Denial that this condition, whether brief or chronic, could have emotional roots.
• Heightened sensitivity to minor aches and pains, such as feeling a pinprick as a stabbing pain.

Who is at risk?
An estimated 5 percent of Americans suffer from severe hypochondria. The condition can begin at any age, although men usually experience it beginning in their thirties and women about a decade later. One study found that firstborn children, especially women, had an increased incidence of hypochondria, possibly because their inexperienced mothers showed more concern about their physical health than that of younger brothers and sisters.

How it develops
Hypochondria, which tends to come and go, often starts with a genuine medical problem. But instead of getting well, the person continues to focus on the illness even after symptoms disappear. Often, he or she enjoys the special attention that comes with being sick. Or the illness may provide an excuse to avoid other obligations. Whatever the underlying cause, the hypochondriac becomes increasingly preoccupied with symptoms—real or imagined—and is often convinced that he or she has a serious illness that defies medical diagnosis or treatment.
Hypochondriacs often take vast quantities of medications, vitamins, and natural remedies, and many spend hours on the Internet or in libraries researching their supposed diseases. Although there are some similarities, hypochondria should not be confused with psychogenic pain, a condition in which patients experience real pain that has a psychological, rather than organic, cause.

What can you do
People with hypochondria will often try one treatment after another, from home remedies to professional care, despite the futility of such efforts. Family and friends can help if they:
• Give the person a chance to complain and feel heard, but do not provide so much attention that they create an incentive for him or her to remain sick.

• Reward behavior that is not related to complaints about physical ailments. The most effective way to change behavior is to reinforce people when they are doing something positive.
Everything you need to know about hypochondria Everything you need to know about hypochondria Reviewed by Lyrical on January 30, 2019 Rating: 5

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